Join us this July and August to paint some cute cuddling penguins, get surreal with Dali, take a trip down the rainbow highway or chill out with some watercolour birds.

We also have your old favourites, tasteful nude life drawing classes, pet painting and our brand new clay sculpting class! Paintvine is your one stop shop for all your creative endeavours. Absolutely zero experience is needed, and all are welcome at our beginners art sessions!

Check out all the fabulous classes we have on offer below. We can't wait to get creative with you!

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What is happening this month

Have you ever wanted to play with clay?

This month we launch our newest event - Sculpt & Sip! In this fun tactile workshop with a twist, our expert artists will guide you step-by-step to create a lovingly hand-made clay sculpture, with your own personalised touch!

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Our events are carbon-negative

Did you know Paintvine is a carbon-negative business? Every ticket you purchase is guilt-free, and helping the world that we create in today, become a better one that we’ll all enter tomorrow.

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Drink. Paint. Just don't drink the paint!

It's okay if you've never painted anything but your walls - there's no experience necessary and fun is our only requirement at our quirky creative events. Check out what is happening in your region, we can't wait to get creative with you!

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